Wedding Photography

A New take on wedding photos: Professional Photographer Plymouth South Shore

Well, this has certainly been a whirlwind of a summer.  Lots of photo shoots and not much time for sharing.  When you are a one stop shop things can get a little hectic this time of year.  No complaints!  I love my job and a love when a job comes along that is just a little different and fun.  This couple approached me about wedding photos and I was able to really go all out and take them out to the beach to do something really creative.  I had so much fun with this shoot! Enjoy! Wedding Photographer, Wedding Photography, Professional Photographer, Plymouth, South Shore, Wedding Beach Photos, trash the dress shoot, Wedding, photography, photographer Wedding Photographer, Wedding Photography, Professional Photographer, Plymouth, South Shore, Wedding Beach Photos, trash the dress shoot, Wedding, photography, photographer

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Throwback Thursday: Baby Lucy

So I planned on doing more photo restoration projects for Throwback Thursday, but my little baby who is no longer a tiny baby is feeling under the weather today.  This is actually day 3 of her cold and she is bouncing back, tired and sniffling but otherwise good.  Of course that made me digress to think of my cute little baby when she was a cute little baby and then start looking through some of the cute little pictures that I have loved the best of her.  Here is just a selection of Little Lucy thus far!



Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Throwback Thursday: Before and After Family Photos

So we all have those family photos that are great and we would like to keep but they degrade over time.  This is one of my favorite photos of my family but it is yellow and starting to show signs of wear.  You can see though that there is a lot that I can do with Photoshop to make photos like that better.  What about choosing a selection of family photos and create a new album of digital images for an anniversary or a birthday gift.  That would truly be something that would be remembered! TBT Family Before

TBT Family After Photo

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: First Beach Photos of the Year!

So today was so not the day to be on the beach taking photos! Really that was yesterday, but we made it work and we had so much fun!  These kids were troopers and they had so much fun playing in the sand, they barely noticed how cold it was.  Their mother should be a stylist too! Look at the amazingly cute coordinating outfits.  I had a blast and I am so happy with our shots!  If you want to join in on the fun sign up for some family photos or join one of our mini sessions.  The first date is listed below in my trendy new postcard, thanks to the Sanford Family! Sanford1






Mini Session Card

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Beach Mini-Sessions June 21, 2014! A few sessions still left!

Are you looking for that perfect beach photo!  This is a great idea to get a jump start on Christmas photos or plan Christmas in July! Don't miss out, I have a few sessions left! Mini Session Postcard

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Throwback Thursday: My grandmother

So this week is a week for tributes I guess.  I am making this throwback Thursday post about my grandmother.  She was really the linchpin that held together the family.  She was one of the most giving and most outspoken women that I knew.  She passed in 2012 and is still greatly missed.  Even at 93 we would talk every day and she was sharp as a tack.  I used to call her in the middle of the night and on my way home from work just when I wanted someone to talk to.  She was a seamstress by trade, she took care of her family with love and grace and lots of Italian cooking.  This was her photo on her wedding day.  I restored the image and I am posting the before and after of the restoration.  I miss her everyday and I love her with all my heart! Mom mom before and after



Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Spring is here! Let's celebrate by remembering one of our favorite weddings!

I can’t believe it is 2 years since this great couple graced our doors!  We loved working with Katie and Justin.  They were so nice and so easy to work with.  We are so happy that they were so lucky to find each other and to have a beautiful baby boy to celebrate spring with themselves!  We should all celebrate spring and family today!Katie and Justin

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Ducks, Ducks, Everywhere!

Since it is Friday and the work week is winding down, I thought why not step back from work and have some fun!  A little known fact among my clients, I collect rubber ducks.  I have all different types of ducks.  This started with my best friend Paul, who unfortunately passed a few years ago.  We collected all different types of ducks together.  Paul even gave me heart ducks for valentine's day.  Before I met and married Dave, Paul was my date for everything.  In fact I told Dave that Paul was my date on Valentine's day and we would have to pick another day because that was our tradition.  Dave and I even had ducks as the favors at our wedding!  Of course, we also had a balloon artist at our wedding too!  I am going to post about him another day, but he did the most fantastic balloon animals!  Can you tell that I like to have fun!  Now the ducks mostly swim in the bath with Lucy.  My thought was, what a great collection to have!  They are fun, inexpensive, and easily transportable things to bring back from your travels and remember special people that touch your life (and give you ducks!) Just a little something to make us all smile and remember something special all at the same time! Ducks

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Photo Tip for the day!

I do a lot of reading to provide content that not only shows my work but also tips that give helpful info to other budding photographers out there.  This tip was taken partially from a list of photo tricks on Digital Camera World's Blog and partially from my own experience working with Children:

Great Photography Tip for the day: 

Taking photos of kids is fun but challenging. Keep a portrait session with kids short and sweet. If it is a larger group, take photos with kids first. Play games with them: ask them of they can see their reflection in the front element of the lens is a good way to get some eye contact.

If there is room for them to run and play then I like to use a 50mm fixed lens so that I can catch them in there element but not be on top of them. I would love an 85mm lens for these types of shoots also but I am building my collection one lens at a time.  I like fixed lenses better because you have more clarity and more control over the aperture.

Make the most of opportunities when they’re still for a moment, such as when they’re concentrating on a toy. Chat to them as you would with adults and once you’ve taken a few photos show them the results on the LCD screen, so that they feel involved.

And of course I can't resist posting a picture of my little honey with these tips!


Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Talk about April Showers!

It is such a dreary dismal day today.  The kind where you just want to stay in your PJ's and inside the house!  Lucky for me I can choose to do that if I want!  That is a work at home benefit for sure.  It is also one that I almost never take advantage of!  I don't know why not! Even my flowers are hibernating today! But without the rain there would be no rainbows and no flowers!  Enjoy this day with some comfort food and some warm snuggly clothes if you can!  We are having pot roast for dinner made in the slow cooker.  This is the easiest recipe ever if you want to join in on that! Be sure to add some potatoes too though!


Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: A home for misfit toys

Okay, so not photography related at all, but a fun way to start off a Monday! We are not only an in-home photo studio but also a home for wayward wanders.  Because we have the convenience of being located downtown, I often go out for a walk during my down time or just to take a break.  We often find little lost friends (that's what we like to call them) along the way.  This little lost friend was found outside my house yesterday! So I bring them in, clean them up and give them a new home.  They sometimes stay here.  They sometimes head to the play area at Middle Street School of Music and then they also could end up with the toys at our Jordan Hospital drop in group.  No one is ever left behind though.  See now isn't that a fun story to make you smile on Monday!



Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: A day of rest and fun

Oh my! The nice weather is certainly here full force this weekend and not a moment too soon! Time to get out and start checking off one of my goals: personal creative projects. I am making it a goal this year to not only work on my business but to also balance with it the creative ideas that I have mulling around in head! These have nothing to do with making money. They only have to do with having fun! I sometimes get so wrapped up in my work (not a bad thing!), I forget about all the other fun projects I want to do. So this year, I added it to my business plan so I am making myself accountable for those things too! Here are some fun creative photos taken around town today! today was a day purely dedicated to playing.  Here are some pictures of my loves at the playground! Happy Sunday everyone! ImageImageImageImageImage

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Photography Tip of the Day: Close, Close, Close

Photography Tip of the Day: Close, Close, Close: Getting close to your subject creates a sense of intimacy and and invites you into the photograph. Be creative, fill the frame, even take a picture of a piece of a person. Don't be afraid to play around!

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Just having some fun at The Mirrored Image Photography!

It seems like lately it is so easy to focus on Photography as a business.  I love what I do and I have so many great projects and people that I work with. Before this was a business though, it was a passion and I had ideas of creative projects to do solely because they were art and not because they were jobs.
One of my goals for this year is to work on some creative projects with different people just for fun.  This will not only help me to find balance with through art projects but also help to boost creativity in everything that I do!  I am so excited to be moving forward with my first project.  Tonight I am meeting with a hairstylist and makeup artist to talk about doing portraits, but not just any portraits, full face makeup creative and fun portraits!  I will let you all know tomorrow how it goes, but I have seen some of her work and I am super excited to see where this goes!

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Valentine's Day Mini Sessions February 8, 2014

Now scheduling Valentines Day Mini Sessions for February 8, 2014. If you missed out on our Christmas Deal here's another way to give the Valentine's Day gift that will never be forgotten. For $99.00 schedule a 30 minute session and receive 8-10 edited photos and one 8X10 print.

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Ideas for 2014

As 2014 approaches I have been toying with some new related business ideas, and I need some help! How many people think that offering workshops are a good idea? Would it be fun to have a class for a couple hours on how to take better pictures of your kids? What other workshop ideas can you think of that might be fun? Photo date night with wine and appetizers?

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Christmas Mini Sessions on Saturday December 7, 2013

Are you still planning on Christmas Family Photos but haven't gotten around to scheduling that appointment? Come visit us at our Plymouth, MA in house studio.  We are offering last minute mini sessions on December 7th! For $99 schedule a 30 minute session: receive 8-10 edited images and one 8X10 print. 

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Congratulations to our Holiday Contest Winner 2013!

Congratulations to Ashley Lauren Farrell our Holiday photo contest winner! And thanks to everyone who visited the page to support us! Happy Holidays Everyone!

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Tips for taking better photos

Some of my best inspiration comes from following other people!  If you are looking to take some of your own photos, there are some really great tips available here:

Plymouth South Shore Professional Photographer: Christmas Photo Contest

Post me your favorite Christmas photo of your Family. I will be creating an album for these with all the photos in it. The rules are simple: have your friends vote for your photo (simply by "liking" my page, then "liking" your photo) and whoever's photo has the most LIKES by the end of the contest, wins! 

Only one photo may be submitted per family. Photos should be received by midnight Sunday November 23, 2013. . The Winner will be announced Monday November 24th on my facebook page!

Have fun and I can't WAIT to see everyone's Christmas photos!!!