TBT: My great Grandmother : Professional Photographer Plymouth South Shore

My great grandmother was a wonderful woman.  She was my great grandfather's second wife.  They were long time companions and married after my grandparents were married.  She was the only mother my grandmother ever knew and the only great grandparent I ever knew.  She was there for my grandmother as a part of their household long before she married into the family.  A true testament, some people are our quiet heroes. Wonderful people that make our lives better just for being there every day.  It seems so long ago since I saw my great grandmother.  I was 13 when she passed.  And yet, I can remember so clearly the last time I went to visit her and still have that little pang of sadness and longing to see her again. Photo Restoration, Restoring old photos, Fixing old photos, Professional Photographer, Professional Photography, Plymouth, South Shore,