Spring is coming! Are you wondering what to wear to your spring sessions? Let me help!

Spring is fast approaching! No complaints here.  This is one of my favorite times of year and one of my favorite times for photographing.  So much new life and happiness!

As a full service boutique firm I always guide my clients individually on what to wear but I like to offer helpful hints to the general public too!

The color to watch for this year is Greenery, what could say spring more!

See Greenery and some of the other colors to pair it with!

See Greenery and some of the other colors to pair it with!

So how can you relate this to clothing and coordinate?  Here are some ideas!

Looking for something a little more playful for the kids?

How about these spring choices!


Stay tuned for some outfit selections for the season from my favorite Children's Boutique.  Next week we will be showing off some of the spring easter colors in honor of our up coming easter sessions with Tiny Hanger in Brookline!