Photographer Series: Things I wish I knew when I started: BP4U

I am so thrilled that I have been honored by BP4U, a company that I respect with a feature on their photography blog.

I am inserting the link here for you to see but also let me tell you a little bit about what I like about this company.

BP4U is a great resource.  If you are looking for contracts or posing guides, or marketing materials to pretty much anything you can think of other than the photographer and the camera you can find it here.  The even bigger bonus is that their prices are very reasonable!  When I was just starting out I found BP4U.  Being all self taught, this was huge to me.  If I couldn't figure something out on my own, I knew I had a go to place to answer some of my questions.

They also have Photoshop and Lightroom Actions as well as Sky overlays!  If you are like me and you want to composite images you may want to change the sky out for something different and waiting for just the right image to come along is not always an option!  

 I encourage you to go check out what they have to offer.  They even have a Freebies section!  How can you go wrong with that!